Forward Beverage Co.
Not your average mocktail! Pop in to Wausau’s only non-alcoholic bar for a refreshing twist on Wisconsin favorites.
How, when, and why did you start your business?
AMY: We started our business in the winter of 2023 from our living room couch. After going out to eat in the area, Paul ordering water for the umpteenth time, we started to wonder: Wouldn't it be great if there was a local non-alcoholic drink on tap? So we started our business to serve a need/solve a problem. And now I have a job that I love!
PAUL: I had been working on the idea of opening a beverage company for a little while, but knew I couldn't do it myself. When Amy expressed interest in running a business with me I said yes. We bring different qualities to the table that compliment each other pretty well.
What makes your business unique?
AMY: First of all, we don't serve liquor in Wisconsin and we took a risk opening an N/A company. That alone makes us unique! We are probably the only N/A taproom in Central Wisconsin, if not the state. Other dry bars exist, but I don't know of one that serves its own beverages on tap. We are women-owned and Wisconsin-based.
PAUL: We do our own CBD emulsion; it's is a formula that I worked on for a while and it's something I'm pretty proud of. Where most people use synthetic chemical emulsifiers to suspend the hemp oils in solution, my formula is all plant based ingredients that are labeled as GRAS (generally recognized as safe; i.e. allowed in food and beverages) by the FDA. I performed stability studies on the formulas and final products and can say that a canned beverage over 18 months at room temperature saw no loss of CBD potency. This is a big deal in this industry. I'm not afraid to put what is in it on the label either. You will not see that in almost any other brand.
What product/service is your most popular, or what are you are known for?
AMY: We recentely trademarked our sweetest beverage, the In-Fashioned. It's a new N/A take on the classic Wisconsin cocktail: The brandy old fashioned, sweet. Our social seltzers are also very popular, with ashwaganda and a full spectrum hemp extract that allow adults to relax (sociallably) without the alcohol.
Why did you locate your business in the Wausau River District?
AMY: As we were relatively new to Wausau but really loved it, we decided to locate our business in the Wausau River District in order to become a part of the community! We want to "dig in" and make connections with people and businesses, and ultimately give back generously to the community someday.
What motivates you?
AMY: At first, the idea of being our own bosses /entrepreneurs motived me. I think Paul would say the same. But now that we have been open a while and see this outpouring of gratitude and desire for our non-alcoholic drinks and our alcohol free space, I have to say that becoming a widely recognizable brand, like Wisconsin's N/A brand, is super motivating. We belive that we are bringing a service to people: a great tasting drink that isn't alcoholic but is complex and unique, so there is not as much pressure to drink, or at least, there is something local and sophisticated to enjoy. Lastly, being a destination for friends, couples, singles, families - anyone who wants an alcohol free place to visit is certainly motivating.
How do you measure/define success?
PAUL: Success is the ability to provide for our family and give back generously to the community.
How do you generate new ideas?
AMY: We went on vacation and tried some different mocktails and found inspiration that way. Sometimes our customers give us a suggestion. A lot of times we just end up talking about something and then a new idea for the business comes!
PAUL: Endless reading and listening to others helps me come up with ideas to help solve problems that seem to have a common thread. Being unafraid to try new things and trying to find the good in things I am not familiar with helps open up new possibilities. I like to think outside the box and solve problems. Amy is a great partner in generating ideas for Forward Beverage Co. She is a good listener and helps refine the ideas we have.
Talk about your staff.
Paul and Amy are the staff! Paul creates the recipies and beverages, orders supplies and works with the manufacturers, and Amy sells them and does the social media marketing and keeps the books. We are eager to hire staff in the future, once we grow a bit more and have the need.
What excites you most about the future of the district?
AMY: What excites us is the birth of other new businesses in the district, the awesome events at the 400 block that draw crowds to downtown Wausau, and the Children's Imaginarium/new development on the old mall area.
PAUL: The strong presence of community members coming together to help make the River District a more vibrant place for everyone in Wausau. We believe Wausau is a beautiful place and are excited to be a part of the growth and development of the community in this way.
“The strong presence of community members coming together to help make the River District a more vibrant place for everyone… We believe Wausau is a beautiful place and are excited to be a part of the growth and development of the community in this way.”
Amy and Paul Yanzer, Owners of Forward Beverage Co.