Magnolia Soap and Bath Co.
Take in the sights - and smells! - of Magnolia Soap and Bath Co., your go-to shop for organic bath products, laundry soap, and more.
How, When, and Why did you start your business?
Magnolia Soap and Bath Co. Wausau opened June 2, 2023. We began this adventure, however, in November of 2022 when we started to research business opportunities that we could do together as husband and wife. After reviewing other ventures, and comparing the opportunities with Magnolia Soap and Bath it was a simple choice to make for ourselves and the Greater Wausau Area. We found that there really wasn't anything like this in the area and Wausau needed something that was "new and refreshing,”, as well as a healthier choice. Magnolia Soap and Bath Co. fit the bill!
What makes your business unique?
Magnolia Soap and Bath Co. Wausau provides 100% plant-based products, which means no harsh chemicals are added to the smell goods you choose! We handcraft all of our products right here at our downtown Wausau store, so there is no need to wonder where your products are made or shipped from.
What product/service is your most popular or you are known for?
Our laundry wash is certainly one of our best selling items, with our shower oils coming in a close second. Both of these products have found their way into the homes of so many WAUSOME people, and the number of loyal customers is growing everyday. We are also known for the parties we offer for making bath bombs/shower steamers, candles, and soap pouring experiences.
Why did you locate your business in the Wausau River District?
We did some searching around the Wausau/Rib Mountain areas and landed firmly in the historic River District by choice. And, it was a simple choice to make once we considered the other small businesses in the District, as well as the plans for future growth of new development. The foot traffic that we see and experience everyday tells us that we made the right choice. We want to grow with the community and here we feel that we can help just as much as we can benefit from being a small business owner in the River District.
What motivates you?
Our motivation comes from the smiles and experiences that our customers share with us about our products. Knowing that our recycle program and high quality products are making a difference in people’s lives gives us motivation to strive for nothing but the best quality of product, backed by an equally high standard of customer service to the Greater Wausau area.
How do you measure/define success?
For us, our success is defined in how we serve our customers, and measured by the growth of our loyal customer base. It's not so much a dollar in the till, as it is the excitement in a customer that can't wait to do a load of laundry, or the customer who calls a friend or family member about our store before they even leave! It's knowing that our product is being used in houses throughout the Wausau area and those products are changing people's lives, as well as being good for the environment.
How do you generate new ideas?
We love to be creative! With over 80+ scents in a wide variety of products, we have no shortage of a need for creativity. Just stop in the store and browse our soy candle selections to experience the creations of the mind. We love getting ideas from customers as well, whether it be in mixing a new scent, or creating something just for them.
Talk about your staff.
We are blessed to have three young ladies working for us that bring talent, professionalism, and pure joy to the store's atmosphere. These girls are respectful, polite, and super outgoing when it comes to customer care, which is a characteristic that is needed while working at Magnolia Soap and Bath. They tell us that "this isn't a's more like going to ‘arts & craft’ class!” We get customers all the time wondering if there are openings to work in a "dream job".
What excites you most about the future of the district?
The new development is exciting to be sure; to see opportunity for growth and to be a part of that future is extremely exciting and satisfying. We have only lived in Wausau for a little more than 2-1/2 years, but we have seen something...something that made us want to invest our future here in the now of Wausau. There is good to be shared if people work together to make things happen. We've been told about the old stigma after the mall was torn down, and with the new project coming together we see the opportunity to establish a new positive growth in the River District where people feel safe to shop all the small businesses that are opening up here. We want to share our excitement with everyone in the Greater Wausau Area and encourage them to come visit the River District and see all the positive changes being made.
“We want to grow with the community and here we feel that we can help just as much as we can benefit from being a small business owner in the River District.”
Brian and Julie Fox, Owners of Magnolia Soap & Bath Co., Wausau