Stoned & Wired
Unleash your creativity at downtown Wausau’s one-stop jewelry supply shop. Get all you need to create your own designs, or browse a selection of hand-crafted pieces for purchase.
How, when, and why did you start your business?
Stoned & Wired LLC opened June 1st, 2011. When the local bead store I worked at was closing, I felt this area would be void of quality resources for beadwork and jewelry components. So, having been in business my entire adult life, it was an easy decision.
What makes your business unique?
I believe I provide a niche, for those who are interested in specialized and unique pieces of jewelry and art, as well as instruction in jewelry composition. I would hope when people enter my store, they appreciate my work and innovative designs. They won't see two alike. That's because when I sit down to put a piece together, I have only a skeleton of what will be. My creative brain takes me to another place. It's a gift I cannot explain. It's something that cannot be taught, because it's not technical or tangible. It breaks rules. That's probably what I am most known for, besides the thoughtfulness of my custom designs for people. It's important to me that customers come away with a good feeling.
Why did you locate your business in the Wausau River District?
I wanted to be downtown, part of all the "hustle and bustle.” A city needs a healthy downtown, full of interesting small shops. After all, America was built on small businesses. The Wausau River District is where I chose to be from the beginning. I had support - and it continues.
What motivates you?
My mantra: Color Your World and Feed Your Soul. That's what motivates me. That's what defines my success. That's the feeling I feel here in my store, surrounded by these magnificent stones that grow from the earth, like trees! I'm a dreamer. And that's about what I do here; I dream...I imagine. It's the best job in the world. "It's A Lovely Addiction."
What excites you most about the future of the district?
I look forward to new and creative events, to bring attention to all of the great small businesses that exist here. I'm grateful for the continued support of this community and every one of my customers. I hope they feel the same magic I feel.
“I look forward to new and creative events, to bring attention to all of the great small businesses that exist here. I'm grateful for the continued support of this community and every one of my customers. I hope they feel the same magic I feel.”
Lee King, Owner of Stoned & Wired